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Monday, September 26, 2011

Hunk of Meat Monday: Chicken Kabobs

I LOVE kabobs - they are easy to make and are a balanced meal on a stick.

Michael prepped everything while I was cleaning the house yesterday.

We had red potatoes, orange and yellow bell peppers, and green bell peppers.

We had onions and mushrooms and chicken chunks.

You can make kabobs with anything you want and put them on the stick in an order you want.  They are pretty versatile. 

Then, put them on the grill - turning as needed.

And enjoy!  We served them with garlic bread.

Next time we will marinate our chicken, so if you are going to be making kabobs make sure to marinate your meat!

What do you like on your kabobs?

1 comment:

Viktoria said...


I have a pork roast in the crock pot as I type... I'm sure you'd find a better way to cook it, but I am so excited. There is just something good about something that cooks in its own juices :)
