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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - ducklings

Proud mom and dad.

A little shy.

Proud papa!

So stinkin' cute!!
Five of the most adorable ducklings hatched last week at my mom's house.  They are adorable!


Katie said...

Oh my! My girls would LOVE them. So adorable, fuzzy and sweet. Thanks for linking up!

Robyn said...

The little ducks are cute! Thanks for sharing.

Lyndi said...

I just stumbled upon you blog! I LOVE how you are bringing Ag. into the classroom and incorporating it into your lesson plans! You are right on about the misinformation and it's great you are educating the next generation. Hopefully they are going home and telling their parents about what they learn in your classroom? Keep up the good work!
Check out my agblog at!
