This hunk of meat Monday is brought to you by my lovely sister and brother in law. We hung out at their house and they made us dinner (by they I mean my brother in law). So, here goes:
Defrost. This hunk of meat is a 5 pound top sirloin roast from a cow culled from their herd. If you would like a post dedicated to the term culled please let me know as my sister gave me a long speech to tell consumer what culled means.
The smoker/barrel. This is a BBQ Grill built by a local high school student. This type of cooking leads to a different flavor than a regualr BBQ grill. Put the charcoal in and start it.
Take the sirloin roast out of the package.
Get your seasoning of choice. I know this picture is poor, but the Kelster (my brother in law) was so proud of this (I think he was just mocking me) I had to include this photo.
Sprinkle the seasoning on
and rub it in. Do this on all sides (top bottom and sides).
Put it on the grill (inside the smoker/barrel).
Things I did while waiting for dinner:
- I found the pig in the cattle pen.
- I took pictures of one of the steers cuddling with the pig.
- I held my adorable brand new nephew.
- I took pictures of my adorable nephew sleeping with his mouth open.
- I went to CVS to buy more charcoal.
- I ate oreos.
After about forever 3 hours it will be done. Take it out and cut it up.
And serve it.
Our meal: top sirloin roast, salad, and mashed potatoes. YUM!!
It was very good - thanks to my sis, Kelster, and my baby nephew "Rolo"!
What hunk of meat are you eating today?
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He is not to be refered to as Rolo !!!!!
This. looks. Delicious.
I am sooo jealous of the meats and the grilling! I had chicken cooked on a stove last night... Not nearly as fun.
Ahh! The famous Barrel! I love barrel BBQ's, and have often wondered if it's a CA thing, like the tri-tip...? Hhmmm... hope the rest of the country gets to enjoy meat from a good 'ole barrel.
Thank you for the invitation, we'd love to be a featured family! Shoot me an e-mail and we'll see what we can work out!
That roast looks delicious! I'd love for you to come by and show off your recipe at These Chicks Cooked Recipe Spotlight today. Have a blessed day :)
That's awesome you linked up my friend Leah for Hunk of Meat Monday! I have never seen a barrel BBQ but it looks like the roast was fantastic and I'm sure you get great flavor like you said.
Looks delicious! So glad to see people embracing Hunk of Meat Monday - if I ever get around to cooking more, I'm totally doing this! Great blog!
This looks so yummy!
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