Sunday, June 29, 2014
Silent Sunday Sunflowers

Monday, June 23, 2014
First Father’s Day
Since this was Michael’s very first Father’s Day I wanted to do something special for him. He is an amazing father. I always knew he would be a good father, but I never knew how good he would be to me during labor, after delivery, and during my recovery. It is wonderful having such a great father and husband!
Avery and I devised a plan to surprise him with a trip to Cabela’s (which I am pretty sure is his favorite place on earth). I thought about blindfolding him and driving him there, but then I had a dream we got pulled over and it was hard to explain to the cop. So, I skipped that. Someone (who shall remain nameless) spilled the beans but he knew all along and was just playing along. In the morning we gave him his present. I asked him what he wanted and he said a bow … he thinks we need a bow to match every outfit of Avery’s. So, that’s what he got.
A bow for Avery to wear hunting and a bow in Michael’s camo (I made both). Of course I had to add a book for Michael to read to her. Then, we headed up to Reno where Michael was going to get a hunting bow (which is what he meant by bow).
We had a late lunch at Famous Dave’s – I’ve been there twice now and I still don’t understand what is famous about it. It hasn’t been anything to write home about either time. I don’t think we will be going back.
Then we headed over to Cabela’s to get his present.
What a milestone – Avery’s first trip to Cabela’s!
It took quite a while in the store to pick out and get fitted for a bow and arrows. The guy helping us, Christian, was amazing! I’m so happy we got such great customer service! He did warn us that it takes a while but made the process feel like it went rather quickly. We made it out of there just before closing! Avery did great in the store too! She loved watching daddy shoot his bow to sight it in.
Happy late Father’s day to all of the dad’s out there!
Did you do anything special for Father’s Day?
Friday, June 6, 2014
Heman turns 3!
I can’t believe it has been 3 whole years since the “We-had-a-baby IT’S-a-boy” call from my sister. (Remember that commercial – still so funny!)
He had a super cute train party at the fair grounds. There was a real train the kids (and adults) got to ride on all afternoon. Although, Heman was a little more focused on pine cones but it was still the perfect party for him!
My brother got him this present. When we asked Heman what it was, he said he didn’t know. So, he started unwrapping it. It was wrapped quite well, so grandma had to help him while the rest of us tried not to pee our pants at Heman’s hilariousness.
Grandma: What do you think it is?
Heman: I don’t know.
Grandma: Look, it has a trigger. What has a trigger?
Heman: I don’t know.
Grandma: Here’s the barrel. What has a trigger and a barrel?
Heman: I don’t know.
He is such a funny kid!
Do you know what is was?
Monday, June 2, 2014
A New Normal …
Life changes all the time and sometimes it takes a little while to get used to the new normal. It seems like this is my new normal:
Can you believe that little baby made that mountain of laundry?
At least she’s happy! It might be a better reflection of my new normal if she were covered in spit up and/or crying. And it may or may not include me covered in her spit up and crying – lol!
She’s actually a pretty good baby – especially when she’s sleeping!
In all seriousness – I think we lucked out in the baby department! She is a good little girl! Of course she has her bad days and is by no means a perfectly behaved baby, but she is still cute when she cries!
What is your normal looking like these days?