Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Last year, I wrote about why I am proud (and thankful) to be an American. This, year I am still very thankful to be an American and excited to celebrate with some amazing food and fireworks. 

Every year I want to decorate the house, but I never end up doing it because of this or that or the other.  Our mantel is patriotic, but it always is
I would love to do more - so, I found a few projects and ideas that I would love to do from pinterest. 

A few projects I would love to make:

I love this place setting:

Some yummy looking and patriotic food:

Source: via Leah on Pinterest

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

Hope you all have a great 4th of July!  Enjoy your day!


  1. Super cute!!!! I feel the same way and always want to decorate my house and have it festive! I love this holiday! I will aim for next year! I love the projects!! They seem do-able too!

    Have a HAPPY 4th my friend!


  2. Happy 4th to you! I did not even think of decorating this year... I am pretty happy with the flag my husband hung on the house for me on the 4th a few years ago. RW&B food though... that's the ticket! That cake looks like a job in itself!


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