Monday, July 9, 2012

Flat Aggie Visits for Field Day

Flat Aggie got back to our classroom just in time for the last day of school.  On the last day of school, our school has field day.  It is a bunch of games and fun activities for the kids to do.  

Flat Aggie started with the egg race. 

Then she blew some bubbles. 

It was getting, hot so she decided to head inside to decorate her visor. 

Then it was back outside for a game of tug of war.  Flat Aggie's side won!

After tug of war she decided to do some bowling. 

It was getting a hot again, so she went back inside for some painting. 

She enjoyed a snow cone

and played with chalk. 

Then she saw children with mustaches and had to get one!

Flat Aggie helped someone hold a bunny. This is a baby and it is called a kitten or a kit. 

The mom (a doe) was bigger than Aggie!

Then, she got right back to playing with her classmates.  She played Frisbee. 

And ring toss.

She go one!  

It was great to see Flat Aggie again on our last day of school!  The kids were VERY EXCITED to see her and it was nice to close out the year by saying goodbye to someone (something) that taught us so much about agriculture!  

What was your favorite Flat Aggie adventure? 


  1. Flat Aggie was so fun to have on field day! I always looked forward to seeing her next adventure! Thanks for creating her and sharing her with us!


  2. What a fun way to end the year!


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