Monday, July 2, 2012

Birthday Recap

 It seems like something bad happens on my birthday every year.  
This year was different - in the best possible way!
 Michael let me sleep in and came home from work with 27 beautiful roses for my 27th birthday.  
It was my golden birthday, since I turned 27 of the 27th and I had planned on doing 27 good deeds but then I realized that wouldn't be very different from what so I was just going to bake my neighbors cupcakes and leave them on their door steps with a little note attached.  Then, my mom said that they probably wouldn't eat them since they don't know me and I remembered my neighbor's shocked face and weird comments when they moved in a I brought them brownies, so I didn't do that either.  
I did drive down and bring Michael lunch. 

 Yeah for being 27!!  Boo for being 3 years from 30!

When Michael got home, we went out for a drink with his cousin then headed over to my mom's house. 

 This little cutie was waiting for us along with his mom (my big sis), and our ma. 

 We brought over birthday cupcakes to share. 

 I think he liked them!

He is so cute!  He also got a nice little bath after the cupcake.  

Then we headed back home to change and met our BFFs (or BBFF and MFF if you prefer) for a sushi dinner.  

The next night we had friends over for pizza, tons of breadsticks, giant cupcakes, assorted mini desserts, and of course lots of games and laughing!

It was a great birthday!!  

What is your favorite thing to do on your birthday?


  1. Awww I saw the roses and first thought he proposed! Nuts. ;) I hope you had a wonderful golden birthday!! Next year I turn 27 on 5-13-13--- Would that mean I'm almost past my prime? :)

  2. You should move south. Giving food to anyone for every ocassion is well accepted here, lol.

  3. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  4. 27 is nothing :). I turn 29 this year :(. haha. Happy be-lated birthday!

  5. happy belated 27th! trust me. the 30s were wonderful years! much better than 20s. :)

  6. Happy Birthday Again!! Glad you had a great day! I love the pics with your nephew! He is such a cutie!


  7. The flowers are Beautiful!! Cupcake kisses and sushi sound like the perfect birthday to me!
    BTW... 30 is'nt all that bad :)

  8. I was once 27...23 years ago. I recall thinking the very same thing as I approached my 30's. While I enjoyed raising our children on the farm and all the work that goes with it I SO very much appreciate where my life is at now. My husband and I still farm together and I think I appreciate our life style much more now.

  9. Thanks for all the sweet comments! It sounds like 30+ isn't so bad after all! :)


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