Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Flat Aggie Visits a Diverse Farm in Alabama

A couple of weeks ago, we had a visitor! His name was Flat Aggie, if you have never heard of Flat Aggie, or his cousin, Flat Stanley, please click here!
Flat Aggie stopped by to help on the farm!
Of course, he was immediately drawn to the planter tractor.
He was going to drive, but he just couldn't quite reach.
We let him help us fill the hoppers with cotton seed instead!
 This is what the cotton looks like a couple of weeks after it was planted. We planted 705 acres of cotton this year.
We told Flat Aggie that around October, the cotton fields will look like this!
After the cotton is picked, ginned, and sent to spinning mills, it can be made into all of this stuff! 
Click the links to learn more!
 We also planted 155 acres of peanuts!
The peanuts grow under the ground, but are inverted, or flipped over, so they can be harvested with a combine. 
Flat Aggie can't wait until September when the peanuts are ready and can be made into all of this yummy stuff!
We also have 4 chicken houses!
The chicken houses hold 34,000 chickens a piece! The houses have automatic feeders, water, and are climated controlled! It takes 35 days to grow a 4 lb chicken, which is what we raise. These chickens are caught, we clean the houses, and then new baby chicks arrive!

 Flat Aggie tried to make friends with all the chickens, but they were a bit skiddish.
Phew! After all that hard work, Flat Aggie and the rest of the farmers are ready for tailgatin' in the field! Thanks for visiting us, Flat Aggie!
Thank you to Stephanie and Lance from Miller Farms!  What a great adventure!  Check our Stephanie's blog and Miller Farms' Facebook page for more information about their farm.  


  1. What a busy time for Flat Aggie! Glad I got to be a part of it. Thank you! :o)

  2. cute...our kids all did Flat Stanley. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the comment too. I would love to add you to my blog roll....and would love for you to do the same for me. :)

  3. flat aggie is cute! wow, you are BUSY at your place! cotton, peanuts and chickens! great!


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