Friday, June 15, 2012

Yogurt Parfait

Happy National Dairy Month!  I love yogurt and could eat it every day.  I prefer Greek yogurt for its thicker heartier taste but flavored Greek yogurt is expensive when you buy the individual containers.  So, I decided to make some parfaits to keep in the freezer for a quick snack.  

All you need is yogurt (I chose Greek nonfat plain yogurt), berries (I chose frozen since they were not in season yet), chopped almonds, and honey.  Oh, and some containers. 

The containers are 1.2 cup and seem to be a good size.  It is a hearty snack at that size and some days I am not hungry enough to finish it so I am looking for a little smaller containers. 

Here is how to make them:
 Scoop in some yogurt.

 Top with berries. 


 Top with almonds.

 Then honey. 

 Smoosh the lid on.

 And place in the freezer.  This will make 4 containers this size (but of course I only have 2). 
I like to take these to work as an afternoon snack - just pull it out of the freezer in the morning and it will be ready to eat in the afternoon.  If you want this for a morning snack, then pull it from the freezer the night before and it will be thawed and ready to enjoy by late morning. 

I love these because I could make a bunch (if I had more containers) and not have to worry about having healthy snacks for work or the weekend.  They would be in the freezer ready to go!

 I was worried about the almonds getting soggy but they provided the perfect crunch even after being frozen and thawed!

YUM!  What is your favorite snack?


  1. Very interesting. I think I will save this recipe. :o)

  2. Yum ! That looks great. What a easy do - ahead snack.

  3. A great idea to freeze them. My husband eats these all of the time!

  4. I never realized you could freeze them like that - great idea!

  5. What a great idea. We grw on on frozen yogurt popsicles, too...thanks for the reminder for a healthy snack, Sarah. I love frozen grapes and frozn blueberries as a quick snack...just like candy.

  6. Those look wonderful, will have to give that a try!
    We do smoothies all the time with the same ingredients.

  7. I have got to try this!! It looks so yummy! I might have to use Vanilla instead of plain though LOL Thanks for sharing your recipe!

    ~Kim :)


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