Sunday, August 21, 2011

In Love . . .

Today I had a great shopping trip!  I bought 2 shirts, a dress, a pair of flats, and the most beautiful cake stand ever!  Now, you may not think my shopping trip was that great but I rarely find 1 shirt that I like and fits me correctly so to find 3 in 1 day is a great day!  But, anyway - on to the cake stand.  I LOVE cake stands - I wish I had a collection of them!  I never see them on trips to Ross or Marshalls (or to thrift stores) so on the rare occasion I do see them I get excited! 
It is just beautiful - square and detailed but still very classic.

I had to buy it - it was only $14.99 which is a good price.  I LOVE it!!  Now my 'collection' of cake stands is up to two!

What do you think?  Do you like cake stands?  Is there something that you look for whenever you are shopping?


  1. I love cake stands and buy them, as long as I find them at a very good price. Always a classic and you found a nice one.

  2. I LOVE this square look of a cake stand! I don't have A cake stand but I borrow often. Time to a purchase.

  3. Beautiful cake stand! What a find for a great price. I like cake stands also. The Hubby got me one for my b-day shortly after we were married. It broke a few years ago and I have not replaced it. It was a covered cake stand and I used it a lot.

  4. Gorgeous! And it's white. So classic. And yes the square! I'm a sucker for a square. Thanks for sharing although I must admit I might be a touch jealous!


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