Monday, August 22, 2011

Breaded Cod

The boyfriend went fishing in Fort Bragg and came home with lots of cod.  So, we decided to freeze most of it and fry some up for dinner.  My mom came over and helped so all I had to do was take pictures and enjoy the food - that is my kind of cooking!!

Slice the cod (we used 4 fillets) into bite sized pieces.

Dip in egg mixture.

Dip in bread crumb mixture (or flour mixture).

Get pan with oil hot.

Drop breaded cod in hot oil. 

Turn. Repeat until all the cod is cooked.

We made two types of breading - bread crumbs and seasoning (on the left) and flour and seasoning (on the right).  We liked the flour mixture more than the bread crumb mixture. 

That was it!  Pretty simple and make for a quick dinner! 
What are you having for dinner tonight?

Hunk of Meat Mondays


  1. Have you thought about breading and baking? I've never done it with fish but with chicken. Also try using panko bread crumbs for extra crunch.

  2. It looks crispy and delicious.

  3. Thanks for stoppin' by for a Latte'. If you have any questions about canning please let me know. Happy to be your newest follower!

  4. Yum!!! Looks delicious! Will we be seeing your over at Classroom Chic anytime soon?


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