Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - fishing

Even though I had a million things to do a few Saturdays ago - the boyfriend took me fishing.  We didn't catch anything . . . we didn't even get a bite.  But, is was BEAUTIFUL and relaxing and amazing.  I wish I was fishing right now instead of at work!  Enough words . . . here are some pictures.


  1. Sometimes the best fishing days are when don't catch supper. Beautiful pictures!

  2. Beautiful pics! Just being there can be a great day in itself.

  3. That place is the bees knees! Not catching anything while fishing is not fun, but when you get to spend some time with people you care about and see scenery like that... well, it's still quite worth it.

    Who knows? Maybe next time you'll be able to catch a bunch of fish with no trouble at all.


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