Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just Fishin'

 This weekend was a busy one!  We went zip lining with Michael's mom and sister on Saturday then at the last minute we decided to go fishing on Sunday.  We drove up to Jackson Meadows and went fishing at this beautiful lake. 

 My view - pretty amazing!

 My side view - my handsome boyfriend. 

 We moved spots since the fish quit biting.  Another amazing view!

 The water on the lake was rough when we got there, but it really calmed down by the end of the day.  It was really peaceful.

 Michael and his dad with the fish they caught. 

 Michael's fish.

 His dad caught the biggest fish (and the first fish). 

 All of Steven's fish. 

 All of the fish I caught.  Yes, you are seeing that right there are ZERO fish on the stringer. 

But, that's ok - it was still fun and nice to hang out with Michael for the day. 

To see how I prepped the fish for grilling, check out this post.  

Where is your favorite fishing spot?  Have any fishing tips for me?  


  1. Did you get the email I sent you about Flat Aggie? :)

  2. What a great bunch of fish! I bet they fried up yummy, too! :o)

  3. What pretty views!!! Wish I lived someplace like that!

  4. LOL The pic of you with the frown face made me giggle! What a gorgeous view... I just want to put my toes in that water!


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