Friday, April 27, 2012

Farm Day

When I was in high school we went to our county's Farm/City day with a bunch of other FFA members to be tour guides for the day.  It was always a great event and such a great experience for the kids!  It happened every year but in my county they do not have an even like that (at least not one I am aware of). Ever since I started teaching I have been dreaming of hosting a Farm Day at our school and it finally happened!  It took A LOT of work and coordinating (I have been working on it since last November) but, it was worth it!  Last Friday was Farm Day at school!  The first date had to be cancelled because of the rain
 Luckily, everyone was able to reschedule.  

 There was a local FFA member with her pig.

 She let the kids pet her.

 A local 4-H member (and his amazing mom) brought a chick,

 a rabbit,

 2 kids (baby goats), 

 his showmanship chicken, 

 and two ducklings. 

 Two FFA members brought their market goats. 

 A local rancher brought a beef cow.  This is one of my favorite pictures of the day.  One of my girls with a farmer and the cow - looks like they are having a deep conversation.

 Usually there was a huge line to pet the cow. 

 She was so mellow and perfect for the kids!

 We even had a tractor!!! 

 Michael and his dad brought one of his dad's tractors.  Michael was such a good sport!
The kids even got him sick (he has a man cold right now).
The line was always long for the tractor.

 But, I cup right in front of everyone and got on!  Even tho I drove it on the trailer to bring it down to school, it was fun it sit on it!

 An FFA member brought her pigmy goat. 

 There was a sheep - it was an FFA member's but the amazing advisor is holding on to her. 

Last but not least, there was another rabbit brought by an FFA member.  

It was an amazing day for the kids!  They are still writing about it in my class and I am sure it will be an event to remember for a long time!  I am so thankful to everyone who came out and donated their time and animals to help our students to connect to agriculture in such a memorable way. 

What do you think of Farm Day?  Do you have a local event like this?


  1. I wish we had had something like that when I was growing up. :o)

  2. Oh how awesome is that! When I was in 1st grade our student teacher grew up on a farm and they arranged for all the 1st graders at our school to go to the farm and visit... although I grew up on one, it was still awesome to see!

  3. This was an AMAZING day for our school and our class absolutely LOVED it!!! I can't wait for Farm Day next year! My hubby wants to help you too!


  4. We have "Kids Day on the Farm" every year. It's for every second grader in the county. We have cows, horses, sheep, pigs, a dairy cow, tractors, forestry exhibit, soil tunnel, grist mill, cotton exhibit, bee exhibit, poultry...The kids get cookies, milk, t shirts and coloring books!


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