Thursday, December 15, 2011

Flat Aggie Visits a Beef Cattle Ranch

Flat Aggie had so much fun on her first adventure (her trial adventure)!  She visited Tyler in Rio Oso, CA (31 miles from our school).  Tyler is a rancher and he raises beef cattle and hay.  He also works during the farming season for a local farmer.  He also has a horse, some chickens, a duck, and an amazing dog.  Since I know Tyler and was there with Flat Aggie this post will be a little different than most.  But, I wanted to create an example for others to follow IF they want.  This is in no way a limitation!

Hi Kids!  It was a pleasure for Flat Aggie to help me with some chores around the ranch.  There is not as much to do this time of year, but we did get to do some fun things.  She got to meet Hank, my horse.  Hank did not like Flat Aggie at first but soon warmed up to her and let Flat Aggie sit on his back.
Flat Aggie then checked out the steers in the pasture.  These steers will be finished and are to fill my family's freezers. 

She then watched me fill the manger with hay for the cows to eat.  I have 34 cows.  Most of the time, the cows are out on pasture but during the winter I need to feed them hay.  I grow this hay during the summer to stock my hay barn - the hay will last me through the winter. 

Flat Aggie enjoyed the up close view of the cows eatting.  She even liked my dog, Remi. 

Thanks for letting Flat Aggie visit me on the ranch today.  I hope she had a great time and that you learned about my ranch.  Bye kids!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It looks like you have a good companion. How's Flat Aggie doing now? LOL! Anyway, you do have lots of cows. I'd like to share some tips on how to milk a cow. It's important to milk them daily, and from the same side. This way, the cow will be at ease when you're milking them.
    Darren Lanphere


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