Monday, December 19, 2011

Busy Busy Weekend!

We had a very busy weekend!  On Saturday we hosted a party (pictures to come) and we finally decorated our house and tree!  On Sunday we did some improvements to our house! 

So, now our house looks like this:
See our tree?

Our house is a total disaster (you should see the garage) but I am VERY HAPPY!!  I can't wait for us to finish up so I can show you the amazing results. 

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Good luck with the remodel! This is a tough time of year to start a big project like that. Everything from our house is in our garage... I should post some pics of that next week!

  2. You gotta love home improvements! We once had our entire family room stuff out on the front porch. lol Glad that is over. Hope yours goes well.


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