Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ag Unit: Rice Mind Map

After the Daddows came and talked to our class about rice farming we made another mind map.  It was very similar to the cotton mind map we did. 

Same concept as the cotton mind map.  Since this was our second time and we knew so much about rice after the farmer's visit - this mind map took us one day to complete. 

Instead of multiple pictures I took one picture of the rice the Daddows left us and labeled the picture.  I like this way because the kids can see the whole plant (since we didn't draw a pictorial for rice). 

I used the same pictures for soil, water, and sunshine but added a picture I took of a rice field.

I took pictures of the items Susan brought and had the kids tell me what they remembered (they remembered all of them) then put up the picture and labeled it. 

Pa told us this interesting fact during their visit so it was nice to review it - I found the picture via google images.  Gosh, I love google! 

This shows that a mind map can be used to introduce information like we did with cotton or to review information like we did here. 

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