Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - sunflowers

My sister and her hubby are growing sunflowers for seed this year.  Here is one of their beautiful fields (the heads are turned the wrong way, but you get the idea).

See the bee in the middle?

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Wow they are beautiful. Fo seeds do you mean seeds you chew or for replanting?

  2. I was so happy to see sunflowers in California when I was there recently. I live amidst big fields of sunflowers in North Dakota and it felt like a little slice of home for me. These are seed sunflowers for replanting right?

  3. Crystal and Katie - they are for replanting. They sure have been pretty to grow!

  4. Big fields of sunflowers are very pretty! I pass a couple of fields on my way to work. The flowers in our area are still developing heads, no fields of yellow yet.


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