Monday, August 1, 2011

Hunk of Meat Monday: Tenderized Round Steak

I have never cooked a tenderized round steak but I have been selling them at the market so my sister sent me home with some try figure out how to cook.  They sat in the freezer for a while until the first squash came out of the boyfriend's work garden (yes, they planted a garden at his work).  I decided to make fajitas. 

You may be thinking 'She is going to make fajitas with squash? Squash doesn't go in a fajita!' Well, that is what the boyfriend thought too (but he didn't tell me until after I made dinner).
So, onto my idea of fajitas . . . gather the ingredients (tortillas, onions, bell peppers (red and green for color), squash (zucchini, yellow, and crook-neck), tenderized round steak, fajita seasoning, and some cheese.

Cut up the squash.

Cut up the onions and bell peppers.

Get the tenderized round steak out . . .

Notice the 'cuts' in the meat - that is tenderized.  I don't know why the color looks so funky, but I assure you it wasn't this weird color in real life.

Cook the tenderized round steak. Put in the seasoning.

Remove from pan and cut into strips.

Put back in the pan and continue cooking with the seasoning.

Meanwhile . . . cook the squash.  I cooked the squash first with a little water at the bottom.

And cook the bell peppers and onions (I don't like bell peppers or onions so I cooked them after the squash and did not mix them with the squash).

Serve with warm tortillas.  This is my plate - I tried the bell peppers and onions and just to let you all know I still don't like bell peppers or onions.

That was simple enough right?  Well, I was not impressed!  If I do this again I would marinate the meat before I cook it and cut it up smaller.  Does anyone have any great ideas for preparing tenderized round steak?  I would love try something different next time!


  1. YUM! This looks delicious and I know my husband would say so, too! You are lucky to have a sister who sends you home with so much meat. Meat gets expensive, so my husband and I tend to stick with turkey and chicken...

  2. Try chicken fried steak next!

  3. lol. totally laughing about you trying them again. I did that with canadian bacon on a pizza recently after not trying it for years. Yep, definitely still don't like it!


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