Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Growth!

Is 'Wordless Wednesday' still a thing? I hope so. 

This is what things are looking like around here - new growth! To save time and resources this year we no-tilled our Sudan crop right into the stubble of our winter hay crops. Since we have such limited water this year we needed to plant a drought tolerant crop and needed to save every drop of water in the soil. No-till helped is accomplish that. 

The green in the Sudan crop, the yellow/light brown is the stubble. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!
Thank you to the men and women that have served our country! THANK YOU to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for this little girl's freedom!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday

I thought it would be fun to do a “What I Wore Wednesday” but then I got home from running errands and Avery was crying so I never got around to taking an outfit picture, so instead here is Avery’s outfit for this evening (she is much cuter anyway):


One of a kind onesie by Carter’s and Skirt also by Carter’s


She is very happy to show off her adorable outfit!

Monday, May 12, 2014

A month in pictures

Little Miss Avery is (over) a month old!  Time is sure flying by!  Here is her first month in pictures:


The day she was born.


Asleep on the couch with daddy.


Cousin Heman holding her for the first time. 


Cousin love.


Sleeping beauty …


Adorable little face!


Daddy and Avery


Chance not sure what to do with her.


She cried, so he licked her. 


Laying around


Ready for a walk.


One month old!


Just hanging out … I don’t usually put clothes on her, she just hangs out in a diaper. 

I feel like I’ve been taking tons of pictures, but I think I need to take more!!  She is growing up so fast!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Baby Prepping: Baby’s Room

The baby will be in our room with us for a few days or weeks or months (who knows!) but having all of this little one’s stuff ready for him or her will be helpful!

There are many great checklists of what you need for baby in the first few months.  I used this list, and this list, and also this list just to be sure. 

clothes - Don’t buy too many newborn outfits – the baby might not fit into them anyway.  I know this series of posts is about not having to leave the house for a while after baby is born, but if I need more clothes I’ll give my mom or a friend some cash and a list of what I need.  Or I can just let them hang out in a diaper – not like the baby cares what they are wearing!  I washed all the newborn and 0-3 month clothes I received at my baby shower that night so they are hanging in the closet ready for baby to wear. 

blankets – We have plenty to keep baby warm

receiving blankets – I have enough to receive a small army all washed and ready to go!

formula – I plan on breastfeeding, but I have samples from my dr and Buy Buy Baby just in case!

diapers & wipes – we are using cloth once the baby fits into them but are stocked up on disposables for the first month.  I don’t want to have to worry about learning what to do with a newborn and learning to use cloth diapers (not that they are any harder, but that’s what the plan is).

bedding – Only thing on the baby’s bed should be a sheet.  No blankets, stuffed animals, bumpers, or anything else – this reduces the chance of SIDS.  I’ve grown this baby for the past 10 months so having some cute things on the crib is not worth the risk in my opinion. 

diaper bag – stocked and ready to go so leaving the house when we feel like it will be just a little easier.