Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Baby Prepping: Pantry

Now that we have an actual pantry (woohoo!!) I wanted to make sure it was stocked for the baby.  I don’t typically buy lots of canned or boxed food, but since our freezer in the house is so small now I will have to buy more canned food (or can more of our food) and less frozen. 
other baking/cooking supplies – baking powder, baking soda, salt, pepper, spices, brown sugar, and anything else you use regularly. 
oatmeal – I’ve read that oatmeal is good to eat for breakfast if you are breastfeeding.  Plus, it’s delicious and you can make cookies out of it, so stock up!
protein mix – for smoothies to make a quick and healthy meal.
pasta sauce
rice – great base for a meal and lasts for a long time
coffee – I don’t drink coffee but Michael does sometimes and I have a feeling he’ll be drinking more once baby comes.
tea – I don’t drink much tea but I have a box of energizing tea in case I need a pick me up!
canned fruit – get the no sugar added version to keep them as healthy as possible or can your own!
canned veggies – get the low sodium version to cut down on sodium or can your own.
Meals and Sides:
soup – cans of soup will be a quick meal for lunch or dinner.
rice a roni – I found a recipe for making your own so I have both the real deal and the homemade version.  I love rice as a side dish and not having to measure and mix the spices when we’re exhausted is going to be great!
boxed pasta – I don’t usually buy this since it is not the best for you, but I bought a few for a quick lunch or dinner if we need it.
snacks – maybe the most important of a stocked pantry.  Protein bars, granola bars, crackers, popcorn, and beef jerky will make good snacks for when we need our energy

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