Friday, March 22, 2013

Married One Month!

I am probably going to look back at this post and laugh, but I am so excited Michael and I have been married for a whole month!  It seems like just yesterday but at the same time it seems like it has been years.  
 Since we ran away and got married, we are planning a reception and I am excited to share those details with you all too!  

Oh, and I wanted to share the details from our wedding and WHY we ran away and got married (and haven't regretted it one bit!)
I have a bunch of projects around the house to share with you too, but I have to finish them first!  Spring break is fast approaching, so I should be able to do a lot then!  I shared a picture of our door on Facebook this weekend - give the blog a like if you would like to see my random posts there!

This is becoming a to-do list, so I will leave you with one last Happy Ag Week!  
Have a an amazing first weekend of Spring!!
(I have to work Saturday school but we are learning about dairy cattle and making ice cream, so that should be fun!)

Any fun plans for the weekend?


  1. That has to be the best Saturday school ever!!! Mine were never like that!!

    Kim :)


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