Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Parade Photos

 Michael's dad has a thing for tractors.  He loves them - new, old, running or not, John Deere or International - he doesn't care - he loves them all.  Similar to my love of shoes - except I don't love broken shoes and I am really picky, so I guess the only similarities are that he has lots of tractors and I have lots of shoes and we are both always on the lookout for more.  

Anyway, back to tractors ... there is a parade every year and he wanted to put sin ome tractors.  
So, here they are:
 5 John Deere tractors in all - 2 that he has restored and 3 tractors that belong to friends. 

 Steven on one of his tractors (the same tractor he brought to Farm Day) just as happy as can be!

 Michael on the newly finished B - his dad got this tractor about a year ago and it was in boxes - everything was taken apart and in boxes.  Looks great now!

The best smile I could get out of him ... 


  1. I love how passionate farmers are! Aside from teachers (and maybe nurses), you don't find the same sort of passion for the job! :)


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