Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bridal Shower

 My BFF is getting married!!  The wedding is less than two weeks away and I am so excited!!  A few weeks ago we threw her a shower - by we, I mean her sisters and her cousin threw it and I helped a teensy weensy bit.  It was a great shower!  Here are the details:

 It was outside at her dad's house and the weather was perfect!

 A black table cloth, white lace runner, purple napkins, white plates, a floral centerpiece, some pictures in beautiful silver frames, and a little bling made for a perfect table!  Her middle sister did all the decorating and she did an AMAZING job!!

 How cute are they?

The Food:

 veggie cups

 antipasto kabobs

 spinach dip cups - a huge hit!

 tortilla roll ups 
(I am getting hungry as I write this post - the food was really good)

 Chicken sliders - not a good pictures, but these were very tasty!

And for dessert ...

 They were so cute too!

fruit kabobs

Each guest was send home with a peach cupcake (made with peach buttercream frosting that I messed up so I had to buy frosting the morning of the shower and mix it with crushed up freeze dried peaches). They were amazing!!  Each cupcake was inside a clear plastic cup then inside a bag and tied with ribbon - such a cute way to present the cupcakes and protect them on the ride home (if they made it that far). 


  1. looks like a fun shower!! The table set up is so pretty!! The food looked amazing!!

    Kim :)

  2. The tables are beautiful!! And the food... yum!! Looks fantastic!

  3. Lovely and the food looks delicous! Very creative!


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