Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Heman Turns One!!

My little nephew Heman turns 1 today!!  Happy Birthday little man!  I love you!!
Here are some pictures from the past year:

 The day he was born. 

 A couple days old ...

 such a cutie!

 "Sitting" in his boppy thing.

 He fell asleep watching the ceiling fan. 

 Hanging out with grandma on the swingy bed.

 Sitting with Michael on the couch.  Can you believe how big he has gotten?

 Sitting up all by himself!

 Excited about the gun he got for Christmas. Not really excited, but he is still so cute!!

 Being adorable!

 He loves watching cars go by the hotel room window. 

 All dressed up for dinner in his cute little bow tie. 

 And at almost a year old he is standing and playing in the water. 

Now he is walking and a whole year old!!  I can't believe how fast the year has flown by and how much he has grown!  

Happy Birthday Heman!!


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