Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: The Week in Pictures

 A few pictures from the past week:

 A camera strap cover I made for Michael's sister.  
I will be posting directions soon!  It was pretty easy (not the ruffle part but the basic cover).

 Michael bought me a shotgun. 

 I discovered that I am no good a shooting a shotgun!  But, hopefully I will get better with practice. 

 I helped feed Tyler's cows - I drove the tractor. 

I made some amazing cupcakes with Southern Comfort buttercream frosting.  

Pretty good week!  What were the highlights of the past week for you?


  1. I'm not surprised you had trouble with it. If I remember mine right, they have quite a kick!

    Hope you're having a great day!

  2. Hmm! A highlight for me last week was just getting to stay home and play with my pups! Your cupcakes look so yummy!! We will have to go shooting sometime!

    Kim :)

  3. After I got my shotgun, it took me a while to even come close to hitting something. You will get it! They are so fun to shoot!

    And those cupcakes look a.m.a.z.i.n.g.!!

  4. Looks like a pretty good week! I am gearing up for our local 4-H Fair this weekend...collecting all the yumminess from the kids ithe form of cookies, candy and brownies is a fun job!

  5. looks like a great week!! I need to make a camera strap... Was it easy?? Those cupcakes look delicious!!


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