Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Michael!

Today Michael turns the big 2-7!  I cannot believe we are he is that old  (I still have a few months)!!  We are 20 years older than my students - 20 years older!!!  But, I can't complain ... getting older is pretty fun (aside from the sagging boobs and wrinkles but he doesn't have to worry about that)!  In honor of Michael's birthday, here are 27 things I love about him (in no particular order):
  1. He is handsome.
  2. He makes me laugh - every single day
  3. He supports me even if I make a mistake.
  4. He literally picks me up when I am down.
  5. I love that he holds my hand in the car.
  6. He is smart.
  7. He makes me laugh when I am about to cry.
  8. He BBQs for me.  
  9. He doesn't complain too much when I steal the covers (or push them on him) every. single. night. 
  10. He can fix my car.
  11. He encourages me when I want to give up.
  12. He forces me to spend money on myself.
  13. He loves my crazy family.
  14. He is a great Uncle ish person to Heman.
  15. He is honest (I may not appreciate this when he tells me my butt looks big and long but I do at other times).
  16. He cuddles with me on the couch.
  17. He makes the bed (if I get out of it before him).
  18. He listens to me.
  19. He takes me shopping. 
  20. He has great style.  I mean this in the most manly way possible. 
  21. He laughs at my lame jokes.
  22. He kisses me on the forehead.
  23. He eats my cooking. 
  24. He makes a great cocktail.  And he even puts it in my hand when I have had a bad day. 
  25. He supports my crazy ideas - he may look at me like I have lost my mind but he never says it! 
  26. He will be an amazing father when the time comes. 
  27. He is a man - there are so many people I know that have a boy for a husband or boyfriend!  It drives me crazy when they complain - what do you expect when you choose to be a mother instead of being a partner?  Anyway, back to Michael ...
Michael and I back in the AZ days - I think this was his 19th birthday!

Happy Birthday Michael!
I love you and hope you have an amazing day!


  1. Sounds like he's a keeper! :) Happy birthday to Michael!

  2. Happy Birthday to Michael! My guy loves a little blog love now and then, I will have to keep your post in mind when his next bday rolls around... hope it brought a smile to your guy's face! Hold on to him!

  3. Happy birthday to your hubby! Love the list, what a great idea!

  4. This is too cute!!! You guys look so young!

    Happy Belated Birthday Michael!


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