Thursday, March 8, 2012

Why I am Ag Proud

I've written and re-written this post for the past week.  I never quite know what to say and I feel that there are going to be so many great articles and posts today, but I will throw one more out there ...

It is amazing to live in a country, in a society where we have a choice when it comes to food.  We can choose conventional.  We can choose organic.  We can choose to buy local.  We can choose to buy imported.  We all have views on what is right and wrong; what is good and bad but the beauty is we get to choose and it is awesome!

I have always been fascinated with the ag industry.  I think it is an amazing industry that makes such huge strides.  The ag industry is incredibly diverse yet there is one common goal - getting products to the consumers.  Oddly enough, I never considered a career in agriculture because I have known since I was 5 that I wanted to be a teacher.  Sometimes I considered getting my ag credential so I can teach High School Agriculture, but for now I will teach agriculture to my 1st graders.  I am proud of my students for being able to say the word agriculture correctly.  I am proud that my students know more about agriculture than many adults.  I am proud that they can connect almost anything to the ag industry.  I am proud that they were so excited to celebrate National Agriculture Day today!  But, mostly I am proud that my students will (hopefully) carry the connection they have with agriculture with them for the rest of their lives.   

Farmers and ranchers work very hard to provide us a safe supply of food, textiles, and many other products.  I saw this pin on pinterest and thought I would share:

Happy National Agriculture Day!
Don't forget to thank and farm or a rancher today!


  1. Sarah you are amazing!!! I am sure your students will remember you forever! Your class always looks so fun and inviting!

    Kim :)

  2. Long story... won't go into it. But what I CAN tell you is this... it was 2nd grade that got me to where I am today... and a really special teacher... one of four that I have never forgotten!

  3. Great post, Sarah! Love the pin. I too am ag proud!

  4. I loved this post!!! :) Makes me wish I could get out of the city.


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