Friday, March 16, 2012

Weekend Wedding in Oregon

 As soon as we got home from New Orleans, we headed up to Oregon for a friend's wedding.  The wedding was on Saturday but it was at noon so we had to stay both Friday and Saturday nights.  We spent the whole day driving and got to our lodge late Friday night.  It was raining.  We went to bed exhausted from the drive and all of the travel that week.   
 We woke up to this. 

 And this.  I love the way snow looks on trees - it is just so beautiful!

 The truck.

We asked the people at the front desk how long it takes to get to the ski resort (where the wedding was taking place) and they said normally half an hour but if they were us they would leave now for a wedding that starts at noon (that was at 9).  So, we got dressed and hit the road again. 

 The road.  So beautiful!

 So Beautiful!

 And this is how most of our drive went.  See the sign covered in snow?  We had never been there before and it was fun trying to figure out where we were.  Luckily, the ski area had an enormous sign (that was not covered in snow).    

I didn't take any pictures at the wedding.  I didn't even take my camera to the wedding - it was snowing and super windy and the wedding was going to be outside and I had no idea what to expect ... I didn't want to ruin my camera.  Sorry, you will just have to imagine it! 

This was our drive home on Sunday morning.  Still just as beautiful! 


  1. Gorgeous! So did they end up having the wedding outside???

  2. wow!!!! These pictures are so beautiful!!! I could see some great writing prompts with these pics!!

    Kim :)

  3. So beautiful! Wish we got to experience snow like that!

  4. This is gorgeous!! Makes me sad that it's 80 degrees outside... :)

  5. OUTSIDE wedding???? Wow. Doesn't look like much fun to drive in, but BEAUTIFUL to look at!!

  6. Yes, the wedding was outside. Then the reception was inside. I was pretty warm - I had many many warm layers on (tights, leggings, a dress, snow pants, a tank, a long sleeved shirt, a sweater, and my snow jacket. I also wore snow gloves, and earmuffs).

    @Jen - this is Mount Hood near Sisters, OR.


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