Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Orleans Trip - just a sneak peek

Burbon Street last Monday (Luni Gras I think?)

 A walk up bar.

 Burbon Street on Tuesday Morning

 A parade on Fat Tuesday

Alicia and I saved Anna from a gator.

I will post more pictures and a better description of our vacation later. 


  1. Sarah! I am so glad you commented - I thought I had added your other (meaning this one) blog to my reader but I guess I didn't. Yay!

  2. Ahh... New Orleans on Mardi Gras would be one of many bucket list items! Love the first shot with the great balcony.

  3. Ahh... New Orleans on Mardi Gras would be one of many bucket list items! Love the first shot with the great balcony.


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