Monday, February 6, 2012

Duck Sliders

As you know, that handsome man of mine is a (duck) hunter.  So, when we had one of his hunting partners over for dinner he had to make something with duck.  Enter sliders ... here is how he made them.

 Defrost  2 pounds of ground beef and 1 package of duck breasts. 

Rinse and dry the duck breasts.


 Just to be safe feel each slice for shot.  He didn't find any but it is better to be safe.

 Grind the duck breasts. 

 Add the ground beef. 

Add a top secret mix of spices. 

 Form into patties. 


We sliced potato dinner rolls for the buns.  

 Cracker cut cheese is the perfect size for sliders. 

 Toppings - tomato slices, avocado, onion, and lettuce. 

 Assemble and enjoy.

They were amazing!!  Perfect size and SO GOOD!


  1. I never realized how dark duck was? who knew!

  2. My husband is an avid duck hunter as well. Thanks for sharing! I'm always looking for good, new recipes to use.

  3. I had to giggle at the "feel for a shot" mention! My mom typically stuffs dad's ducks with apple, celery, etc. and roasts them whole. I've bitten down onto my share of BB's over the years! I love this idea, we'll have to try it sometime!

  4. I have never had duck this way! I MUST remedy that. Looks yummy.


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