Monday, January 9, 2012

Hunk of Meat Monday: Goose Hunt

Michael is a hunter.  During duck and goose season I pretty much never see him on weekend mornings, sometimes he is gone all day.  He is lucky I love him so much, otherwise I would have to get a duck/goose season boyfriend! Anyway, last weekend he went up to Delevan where he got this amazing view of the Buttes (which is the smallest mountain range in the world) from the blind.  

The season hasn't been going very well because of the weather.  It has hardly rained and ducks (and geese I think) like the raining weather.

But this weekend, he went hunting around here and got this:

Wow, right?  A whole pile of geese!  There were four of them and they all limited out!!  They got

that's right - 24!  And all by noon!  That is a good day of hunting!

Here are his geese - we had a super top secret project to go do (and he was a few HOURS late getting home) so he plucked the large goose on the right and breasted the others out (that means he took the breast out which is where most of the meat is).  Now we have several hunks of meat in our freezer!

What is your favorite way of cooking goose?

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow, that's a lot of ducks... or geese... you said duck hunting and then said geese. so whichever... that's a lot :)


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