Monday, January 2, 2012

Dreaming of a White Kitchen

Ever since we bought our house, I have wanted to paint the kitchen cabinets white.  I love white cabinets - they are so timeless and easy to change the mood of.  You can add pops of color with accessories very easily.  BUT we are not planning on staying in this house for very long (we want to move out of the 'burbs and back to the country) so I don't know if the work would be worth it.  So, I didn't paint them. 

Two years later we now have beautiful new floors!  I LOVE the new floors and it only makes me want to paint the kitchen cabinets that much more.  The white cabinets would look soooo amazing with our wood floors!  So, instead of grabbing a paint brush and painting the cabinets, I ogled other white kitchens on pinterest. 

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

The spice/sauce rack hidden by the stove top is such a great idea!
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

Have you noticed a theme?  White counters + wood floors + stainless appliances = perfection

LOVE this faucet and the open shelves in that subtle color!

I also love plants on the kitchen window - I have done this and LOVE it!
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

My dream kitchen colors - yellow and turquoise with small pops of red.


  1. those are all amazing! i would love a white kitchen but with a farmer and 2 young babes I better admire from afar!

  2. This post is really too informative to us, good and suitable collections of images and good description by which any one can get information what they want to this post.......As for as my thinking is concerned this one is the best post.

    Thanks for sharing such a informative post.
    Kitchen Accessories

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't have a white kitchen, but I do love the look of one. So clean, fresh and open looking. Nice images.

  5. All of these posts make me wish I could re-do my apartment to my tastes. White is so fresh!!

  6. Beautiful! Awesome kitchen. To improve look of your kitchen you need to have beautiful kitchen accessories. Visit us at get superb quality kitchen accessories.

  7. Love love love the white! I'm thinking about doing a white wash on our kitchen cabinets.

  8. I have just finished painting my kitchen. I went for Light cream and a warm mushroom colour.

    My kitchen at

  9. Good post! We will be linking to this great post on our website. Keep up the good writing.


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