Friday, January 20, 2012

Designer Hospital Gowns

A friend from work is having a baby in a few weeks and she wanted a designer hospital gown.  She asked me if she should buy one and we looked them up to see how much they are ($50 and up on etsy) so I told her that I could make her one and the fabric would cost much less than that. 

A few weeks later she arrived at my house with 4 fabric choices and left them with me so I could decide which to make.  Well, I made all 4!

I loved the brown and blue in this pattern. 

This pattern was really fun!

Beautiful colors!

My favorite fabric - poppies in black, orange, and red.

I used this pattern with few minor changes - I made the neckline a little larger, used 3 snaps on each shoulder (instead of velcro), used velcro to close the very top of the back (instead of ribbon), skipped the pocket and cardiac monitor hole, and adjusted the placement of the ribbon closure on the back (I fitted it on her).  As the pattern suggests I cut two of the larger sides to give her some extra coverage.  Each gown required 3 yards of fabric (with some left over), 6 snaps, half a yard of ribbon, a piece of velcro, some interfacing, and matching thread.  I didn't time how long they took but I would say an hour or 2. 

I think a nice touch would have been to add some ribbon at the empire waist (right below the bust) but I didn't get around to that.  Get two yards of wide ribbon if you want to add a little definition to the waist. 

I know she will be very happy with them once they get some use at the hospital and she is also planning on wearing them around the house for the first few days.  Maybe she will share a picture of one of the gowns on for us!! 

This would be a great project for a friend of family member who has to be in the hospital for anything.  A little something to brighten their day when they wake up from surgery or get done with chemo or radiation.  Michael's aunt just had to have surgery since she found out she has breast cancer so I would have loved to make one for her with pink ribbon fabric or something like that but when I asked when her surgery was it had happened that day - oops. 

It would also be a great project for a 4-H sewing club - make a few and donate them to a children's hospital.  I love when kids help out other kids!

What do you think?  Would you make a designer hospital gown?  Have you worn one?


  1. Those are great! Now I am inspired to make one for my hospital debut in two months. Thanks

  2. This is very sweet! I know it would mean a lot of those who are in the hospital. My mother has had more than her fair share of hospital visits and I know she would have appreciated something like this! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i didn't even know they made designer hospital gowns. Wow

  5. those are wonderful! we have a friend having a baby in a few weeks, these would be great for her. your so crafty...

  6. What a great idea! I think I will pass it along to our 4-H leaders...very cute!


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