Friday, November 18, 2011

Ag Unit: All About Cotton

After going to a local writer's workshop we decided to make an all about cotton book.  We used to Cotton Mind Map to make the sentences below. 
Notice how each section is a different color?  That matches the mind map.  It took us two days to come up with the sentences.  They made up the sentences and I wrote them.  They were pretty creative with the sentences!  The open boll looks like a flower of snow ... sounds like a poet wrote that - my little first grade poets are adorable!

I made a book with 5 blank pages inside. 

Then we picked a sentence and wrote it on each page.  We did two pages the first day and three pages the second day

We used the same color marker as I did on the poster - that way we knew which section to copy a sentence from.  And, it is fun to write with markers when your teacher NEVER lets you use them!

They had to draw a picture to go with each sentence. 

And they were supposed to color them. 

Finally, on the last page we wrote a fun sentence (in red since that is my favorite color).  I wrote 'Cotton is amazing!' so most of them copied me. 

The all about books are such a fun way to review a subject.  It could be used for anything and when we do it again later in the year, they will get to write their own sentences. 

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