Thursday, October 20th was Farm Day in San Francisco. Since I was going to be in the city for the CFAITC Conference and my sister was presenting the next day I decided to stay with her and help her present. I had no idea what to expect. I was a tour guide for Farm Day when I was in FFA but that was at the fair grounds and the students came to us, this was completely different.
We arrived at the school early to find a parking spot.
All around the school there were these galvanized water troughs with plants. I am not sure if there was one for each class or what, but it was awesome!
As soon as you walk in the computer lab (the classroom we were presenting in) this is what you see! I am blown away by this room - I will have to make a post just for this amazing classroom.
School started and all of the kids stopped playing and sat down all quiet and focused on the principal. I was amazing! This would never happen at my school (for reasons I will not get into here). The principal talked and the kids and parents listening. He told the kids that the animals were stuck in traffic and would be arriving late so they will have to be flexible.
We went into our classroom for our first presentation.
See how amazing this computer lab is? Shannon did a great job with the presentation and the kids had some great questions.
She talked about weed control, pest control, and plant nutrition. Since the animals were stuck in traffic, we did double the presentations and made them half as long. It worked out perfectly. The sheep arrived and everyone got to see them!
During recess I stopped the most adorable girl in San Fran - how cute is she? Their class made a vest with farm products on it.
And the back of it - she cute out pictures and drew some of her own.
I also got the chance to take some picture of the people from UC Davis talking about the sheep.
Then the kids got to pet them.
This is my favorite picture from the day!
Some of the students dressed up as "farmers." It was cute!
They were having fun!
Shannon talking to one of the teachers.
The greenhouse the school just got (one of the teachers bought it for the school).
Than it was back to presentations. This class was amazing - they had some really great questions!
One of the students grow pumpkins and wanted to know something about them. There just happened to be a pumpkin in the room so Shannon grabbed it and explained how they grow and where pests like to hide on a pumpkin.
The sheep were just hanging out in the middle of the city.
A mural on the side of the building at the school.
Their school garden is on the street!
Plants in the garden.
An outdoor classroom.
And a sign welcoming everyone to their garden.
I am so glad I went! This school is AMAZING and this experience was AMAZING! I have never got to a school as a presenter (or photographer which is what I really did the whole day) and it feels different than going as a teacher.
Do you participate in a local Farm Day? If so, please tell me about it.
What a tremendous event! I saw some of my California Women in Ag class were going to participate in this Farm Day event. I should have stayed for it! I was in Modesto last Thursday and then flew home. We need more Farm Days in urban classrooms monthly if it could happen. I just love this concept and idea. A lot of work but fantastic learning for these kids and teachers.