Thursday, October 6, 2011

Office Tour

Welcome to our office:
aka "The Man Cave"

Here it is - the only room in our house that was not painted three different colors when we bought it and it is the only room that we painted a color.  Michael picked out the color and I LOVE it!

Michael would call this the crown jewel to this room - the safe. 

It took us a while to accumulate the artwork for this room.  The top piece I bought at Ross a while back (there is a glare on it for some reason - sorry), the two tin looking piece Michael bought at Cabela's, and the framed ducks and geese were his dad's garage sale finds.  I painted the frames black. 

The clock was a house warming gift from Michael's cousin.  The wooden duck was another one of his dad's garage sale finds (he found it the day after I bought one at the Salvation Army).  The other two ducks were from Ross - I bought them when we lived at the duplex for the mantel.  I love the look of ducks on a mantel (but they look just perfect on top of this safe too).

Everything above was found at garage sales (all different sales) by Michael's dad.  He goes to garage sales pretty much every weekend and would always buy Michael ugly stuff so I told him to look for things for the office and he did very well!  I painted the frames black and the flying ducks were some kind of ugly metal - I painted those black too. 

The desk area - desk is from Wal Mart, framed photos of Michael hunting above it.

The bookcases.  Full of books, pictures, and all sorts of other things.

Some duck calls and a goose call.

One of my favorite pieces in the room.  A mallard drake sitting on a flag.  Michael "won" this at an NRA dinner last year for me.  By won I mean he won the bidding for it but ended up paying like $150 for it.

Another sign I got at Ross.

He also loves classic muscle cars - a chevelle.

Here is the wooden duck I found at the Salvation Army one day.  I was so excited to find it and it and its sibling look great in the room.

A basket for storing things - his childhood teddy bear and other random stuff are in there.  A photo album of our junior prom and another car.

WWII encyclopedia set . . . it was Michael's grandpa's and I just had to have it when he died.  Michael's grandpa was in General Patten's army and my grandpa was liberated by general Patten's army - I didn't know that until after he died. Small world.

My co-worker says that I am very tolerant for letting Michale have these magazines - i think they bring some color to the bookcase.  There is Michael in his senior picture - I think he has gotten handsomer (more handsome?).

Another basket (LOVE this basket - look at that amazing texture) for hiding things.

And some camo fan blades to top the room off.  NEVER EVER thought I would allow camo fan blades in our house but I really love them!

So, there is was - our office! 

Do you have a themed room in your house?  How do you keep your office tidy?


  1. The theme for my office right now is "train wreck" :) It's the one room we haven't finished settling since we moved in almost 2 months ago...we are looking for a "grown up" desk to organize the chaos!

  2. Sarah, Thanks for the comment on my blog the other day. I finally got around (I know, I'm really slow) to hopping over to your blog. I love the office and your topics. More importantly, I love that you teach agriculture to your class. My son (PQ) is in first grade and I don't think they teach any ag at all, which is surprising since we live in Nebraska, but he gets tons at home. I wish all kids got at least some ag education!

  3. Love the office aka man cave :) He did a great job choosing the color...we have that same soothing green in several rooms in our home.

    As for our office...let's not talk about it. I am ashamed after seeing how nice and neat yours is. We do have a desk, somewhere, under the papers...

  4. LOL - Anna and Darcie - you are two are funny! It is not always this clean (I did a major cleaning before I took the pictures)! In fact, it is hardly ever this clean.


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