Saturday, September 3, 2011

Corn for Grilling

I LOVE to BBQ Michael to BBQ for me.  It smells so good.  It doesn't get the house hot and it is always delicious.  I especially love grilled vegetables.  Since grilling/BBQing season is winding down with Labor Day this weekend (not for us - we BBQ whenever we can) I thought I would share a few ideas for making quick and easy side dishes. 

Corn on the Cob.  YUM!  So good and really easy to prepare.

Take the husks off and make sure to get the annoying tassels off too.

Like this.

I love a big ear of corn on the cob but when we are having people over and are serving other sides too I like to break them in half that way people can have a little of everything.  And if they want more they can always take another half. 

Get out a large sheet of aluminum foil. 

Spread some butter on the corn.

Sprinkle with garlic and pepper (or whatever seasoning you want).

Fold foil over the corn and roll it up.

Fold over the sides and they are ready to grill!  the best part is that you can do this earlier in the day and put it in the fridge until your guests arrive (or until you are ready to cook dinner if you don't have guests coming). 

What is your favorite way to grill corn on the cob? 

1 comment:

  1. Okay Sarah, the boyfriend's uncle sent out a tip via e-mail from Rachael Ray. Put a rubber band on your shucked ear of corn and roll the band up and down the ear and all the silk will be gone!But I have not tried it yet.
    The boyfriend's mom


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