Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Easy as Applesauce ...

Applesauce is really easy to make and it is the perfect way to use up apples that are past their prime.  I love to make applesauce for Christmas dinner but it is so easy it can be made whenever you want.  

 I like to use a variety of apples but if you have any apples that have gotten mushy then use them!  You can use as many of as few as you like.  I try to fill the pot but when I have a few mushy apples I use all that I have.

 Peel them.

 Quarter them.

 Core them and slice them. 

 Put them in a pot and fill the bottom with water.  Not much - maybe 1 cup.

 Cover and boil.

 Drain the water off (or drink it - it is now apple juice-ish just please wait until it has cooled).

 Get out your masher-smasher and smash away. 

 Add some cinnamon.

Stir and enjoy.  

Easy, right?  Now I never throw away mushy apples - I just make them into applesauce!


  1. I need to remember this! It's a nice, thrifty idea!

  2. I taught my 4-H kids how to make applesauce a couple years ago....they had NO IDEA how easy is was. I store mine in the freezer in 1 cup increments so I can use it for baking throughout the year

  3. What a great idea! I watch my husband's cousins baby every day & i'm always trying to figure out healthy snacks for him. Thanks!


  4. Great idea and so quick and easy!


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