I was able to take a
trip across the pond to London, England to visit the International Food &
Drink Event (IFE) from March 14-20, 2013 with my friend Jonathan from the
Kentucky Department of Agriculture.
While in London, I got to see how small and medium sized
companies market value-added food products with the assistance of the Southern
United States Trade Association (SUSTA).
SUSTA is located in New Orleans, Louisiana, and they have been helping
promote agricultural and related
products from the southern United States since 1973. They are able to do this with help from the
United States Department of Agriculture.
I got to help a
company from Virginia make scallop cakes one day. They were so delicious! The company has been family-owned for over
seventy-five years! I also got try a
pumpkin spice cake that was made with a gluten-free baking mix. This kind of product is very helpful, because
there are many people that have an allergy to gluten, which is found in a lot
of products that we eat every day, like bread.
The woman who makes these kinds of baking mixes does so to make sure
that people with this allergy can still eat things like cakes and brownies, and
she wants to make sure that they taste good.
I loved her brownies! I would
show you a picture…but I ate them all.
I am hanging out with my new friends, Julie and Dorian They work for the
Foreign Agricultural Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture at the U.S.
Embassy in London. They work very hard
to help agricultural producers who are looking to sell their products in the
United Kingdom for the first time. They
also help people if they are having trouble understanding and following all of
the rules that are associated with selling their products in the United
Kingdom. I came back to the United
States with my friend Cindy who works for the West Virginia Department of
Agriculture. I will tell you about my
visit with her later.
I did get to hang
out with Jonathan, Cindy and a bunch of their colleagues in New Orleans for a
few days at a meeting that SUSTA hosted at the end of March. There, I learned about all the different
rules that Jonathan, Cindy and their friends have to when they are doing
projects like IFE. In this picture I am
with Jonathan, Cindy, and their colleagues from Alabama, Florida, Maryland, Mississippi,
North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, and Virginia. Now I am on my way to Washington, D.C. with
my friend Nancy, who works for the United States Department of Agriculture!
What an amazing adventure! I am so excited that Flat Aggie went all the way to London! My kids were VERY excited too!